SQL Server Database Monitoring and Managed Services

As organizations grow, so does their mission-critical data and the challenges of managing an increasingly complex database infrastructure. Continuous maintenance and support for SQL Server database ecosystems can put a strain on internal resources and, without the right expertise and skill, can put an organization at risk for server downtime, data corruption, or data loss.

Don't take chances with your data. Whether you are dealing with SQL Server stability issues, a lack of monitoring and alerts, less-than-stellar support, or performance monitoring software that is difficult to use, we can help.

Marathon is a Microsoft Certified Partner and we offer end-to-end maintenance and monitoring services for your SQL Servers, including 24/7 monitoring and emergency support, day-to-day maintenance, security patching and improvements, backups, ongoing performance tuning, alert mitigation, custom requests, and more. All of our database managed services are tailored to fit within your business requirements and budget. We work with our clients to identify the specific services they need and develop a schedule to monitor their systems daily, ensuring complete data integrity and security.

When you partner with Marathon for your managed database services, you gain a trusted team of experienced SQL Server DBAs that monitor your servers 24/7, proactively address any concerns before they become emergencies, and keep your critical systems running seamlessly.

Talk to our data experts today and let's get your database performing so you can leverage your data with confidence.

Carlos Chacon 2023 Web 350 2

Carlos Chacon, Director of Data Solutions

Key Benefits

Circle Check Improved Performance

We provide ongoing audits, 24/7 monitoring, and index and statistics review, and capacity planning to ensure peak efficiency.

Circle Check 24/7 Monitoring

Focus on your business with confidence knowing your database processes are monitored in real-time and issues are addressed before they become problems.

Circle Check Lower Operational Cost

Supplement your team with our SQL specialists for less than the cost of a junior full-time employee.

Our Database Managed Services

We offer comprehensive SQL Server database managed services and can work with you to tailor a package that works best for your environment and business needs. Don't see what you're looking for? Just ask!

  • 24/7 Monitoring and Support
    We provide comprehensive, real-time monitoring of your databases and servers to ensure issues are addressed and your systems are running smoothly.
  • Quarterly Service Pack Install
    Scheduled patching keeps your databases up to date with cumulative updates being released. 
  • Configuration Updates
    We conduct a comprehensive assessment of your server, including backup settings, data and log file growth settings, query settings, and much more to provide recommendations on updates for optimal performance.
  • Status Meetings and Reports
    We are on your team. While you've got us 24/7, it's not only through emails and support tickets. We send regular, customized reports and are available for status meetings (as many or as few as you'd like) on a schedule that works for you. 
  • Alert Response and Remediation
    You won't wake up in the morning with jobs that haven't run. We monitor all aspects of your database processes 24/7, correcting any issues before they become a problem.
  • Quarterly Backup Testing
    Are your backups usable? We conduct restoration tests and verify that your data backup is complete and uncorrupted, ensuring its integrity and usability.
  • Statistics Review and Maintenance
    We regularly review statistics to provide recommendations on optimizing queries and improving database performance.
  • Upgrades
    Upgrading a database is not always an easy process; it involves many factors such as compatibility, data integrity, minimizing downtime, and avoiding errors. We can help with upgrades if needed.
  • Database Backups
    We perform regular, scheduled backups to ensure your data can be recovered quickly and easily in the event of a system failure or data loss.
  • Capacity Planning
    We measure performance data and metrics to predict future resource needs and provide recommendations on how to achieve savings and improve performance as you scale.
  • Index Review and Maintenance
    Along with statistics, regular SQL Server index reviews help prevent duplicate entries and support query speed and database performance for growing databases.
  • Quarterly Health Checks
    You want to know your database is in good shape. We proactively run database health assessments to provide you peace of mind.


Your Microsoft Data Platform Specialists

We are a Microsoft Solutions Partner with an experienced team of certified SQL Server DBAs that can keep your servers secure, accessible, and running at peak performance.

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