IT & Digital Marketing Articles
Blazor Server is a great option for adding functionality to a new or existing ASP.NET Core application. Follow along as we review some Blazor basics then demonstrate how to add a Blazor Component to an ASP.NET web application using Blazor Server.
Creating a custom-built application using DocuSign and Aspose, we delivered our client a big win by moving from burdensome paper contracts to automated contracts that simply required a digital signature.
How to generate PDF documents in a .NET application is a fairly common question we run into. While there is no one best answer, John Hadzima will cover several successful approaches we have used internally.
Two-factor authentication should be a requirement for any public facing web application you develop. Here we discuss a case study on how we implemented 2FA with email in ASP.NET Core.
ASP.NET Core Identity provides a lot of functionality for managing your users with very little configuration required. Here we'll take a look at storing your user accounts in the application database leveraging ASP.NET Core Identity and using...
Learn how we used Azure WebJobs during our migration to Microsoft Azure Cloud.
Thinking about delving into .NET Core? Read about our experience with migrating from EF 6 to EF Core 2.0 and what we learned.