IT & Digital Marketing Articles
Always Encrypted is a feature in SQL Server and Azure SQL designed to protect sensitive information in individual database columns of an application's database. In this example, we have a .NET 8 application, an Azure SQL database, and an Azure Key...
Blazor Server is a great option for adding functionality to a new or existing ASP.NET Core application. Follow along as we review some Blazor basics then demonstrate how to add a Blazor Component to an ASP.NET web application using Blazor Server.
Creating a custom-built application using DocuSign and Aspose, we delivered our client a big win by moving from burdensome paper contracts to automated contracts that simply required a digital signature.
How to generate PDF documents in a .NET application is a fairly common question we run into. While there is no one best answer, John Hadzima will cover several successful approaches we have used internally.
Two-factor authentication should be a requirement for any public facing web application you develop. Here we discuss a case study on how we implemented 2FA with email in ASP.NET Core.
ASP.NET Core Identity provides a lot of functionality for managing your users with very little configuration required. Here we'll take a look at storing your user accounts in the application database leveraging ASP.NET Core Identity and using...
Learn how we used Azure WebJobs during our migration to Microsoft Azure Cloud.