
Marathon Consulting the Presenting Sponsor of the 11th CHKD Annual RunWalk For The Kids

Marathon Consulting, LLC, a Virginia Beach-based provider of Information Technology and Digital Marketing solutions, was proud to be the presenting sponsor for the 11th Annual RunWalk for the Kids to benefit Children's Hospital of The Kings Daughters. The event took place May 14th with approximately 2,400 adults and children participating in the 3 races, including an 8k Run, 2 Mile Walk, and 1 Mile Fun Run. $95,000 was raised toward the purchase of a new transport unit (ambulance) that will serve as a rolling pediatric/neonatal intensive care unit for CHKD.

About CHKD

CHKD is the only facility of its kind in Virginia and serves the medical and surgical needs of children throughout greater Hampton Roads, the Eastern Shore of Virginia, and northeastern North Carolina. The not-for-profit hospital never turns any child away. Last year children made more than 500,000 visits to CHKD caregivers as inpatients and outpatients for routine and complex illnesses, injuries, and chronic conditions.

Erin Mullinax


Virginia Beach Office (HQ)

4525 Columbus St, Suite 200

Virginia Beach, VA 23462

