Marathon Consulting the Presenting Sponsor of the 13th CHKD Annual RunWalk For The Kids
Lisa Coleman, Executive Director of The King’s Daughters, said, “This year’s 13th annual RunWalk was special on many levels – we were once again able to enjoy collaborating with families, CHKD employees, friends, colleagues, and the community at large to come together in support of CHKD’s Mental Health Program. When The King’s Daughters learned that today more children die from suicide than cancer, cardiovascular disease, birth defects, pneumonia, flu, and chronic lung disease combined, we knew we must take action.” She continued, “The day would not be complete without the company of great friends such as Marathon Consulting, presenting sponsors, as well as local vendors and many other sponsors who generously give so that we may make a difference.”
About CHKD
CHKD is the only facility of its kind in Virginia and serves the medical and surgical needs of children throughout greater Hampton Roads, the Eastern Shore of Virginia, and northeastern North Carolina. The not-for-profit hospital never turns any child away. Last year children made more than 500,000 visits to CHKD caregivers as inpatients and outpatients, for routine and complex illnesses, injuries, and chronic conditions.
Erin Mullinax
Virginia Beach Office (HQ)
4525 Columbus St, Suite 200
Virginia Beach, VA 23462