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Our Listeners Say it Best

Great show for topics on SQL Server and the Microsoft Data Platform. This podcast has a professional level of production and great interviews from the Microsoft Product Group and other top experts in the Microsoft data space. I am a data architecture professional and listen to this show often to keep up to date.

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Podcast Episodes
Episode 264
Verified Backups
April 12, 2023
41 minutes
Guest Chris Marshall, owner of Verified Backups, discusses backup best practices and shares what his company does to help organizations test their backups.
Episode 263
SQL Server This ‘n That
March 29, 2023
42 minutes
The SQL Data Partners Podcast co-hosts answer a couple of listener questions around SQL Server and discuss Eugene’s recent experience at SQL Bits.
Episode 262
Learning Azure Synapse Pt 1
March 15, 2023
32 minutes
The SQL Data Partners Podcast co-hosts discuss Eugene Meidinger’s journey so far in working on his goal to learn Azure Synapse in 2023.
Episode 261
The Data Lakehouse
March 01, 2023
51 minutes
Guest Luke Moloney, Microsoft Senior Program Manager, helps us understand the Azure Data Lakehouse, a new option for helping to build, store and analyze data.
Episode 260
Contained Availability Groups
February 15, 2023
36 minutes
Return guest Brandon Leach, Microsoft MVP, goes through a new SQL Server Enterprise feature called Contained Availability Groups with the podcast co-hosts.
Episode 259
T-SQL Snapshot Backups
January 18, 2023
28 minutes
The SQL Data Partners Podcast co-hosts discuss a new feature in SQL Server 2022 called Transact-SQL snapshot backups and when it will come in handy.
Episode 258
Leave 2022 Enter 2023
December 28, 2022
30 minutes
The SQL Data Partners Podcast co-hosts talk about cardinality estimation changes in SQL Server 2022 and share their learning goals for 2023.
Episode 257
The Business of Working for Yourself
November 30, 2022
40 minutes
Guest John Sterrett, President of ProcureSQL, joins this episode to talk with the co-hosts about the challenges and benefits of becoming your own boss.
Episode 256
The Community Episode
November 03, 2022
57 minutes
SQL community members give shout-outs, share thoughts on SQL Server 2022, and answer SQL Family Questions while the podcast co-hosts comment.
Episode 255
Automate Complex CRUD with sp_CRUDGen
October 05, 2022
29 minutes
One of the biggest challenges with developers using object-relational mapping (ORM) tools is the bad queries or procedures they create. Sure, most tools can ...
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